Ester Blenda is a documentary by Swedish filmmaker Anna Hylander. It is produced by Frid & Frid (commissioned by SVT K Special) with support from The Swedish Film Institute and Filmpool Nord. World premier at Temp Documentary Festival in 2016.
The film features the voices of Rakel Wärmlander, Tova Magnusson, Sara Sommerfeld, Peter Viitanen, Ivan Mathias Petersson and Agneta Ahlin.
Frid & Frid have written and produced the music. Featured on the soundtrack is Swedish singer Sofia Karlsson. Listen to the soundtrack here on iTunes or Spotify!
The feature length version can be rented on VOD in Sweden at TriArt, and
Follow the Ester Blenda Facebook page for updated info om up coming screenings and events.
Ester Blenda is a groundbreaking Swedish journalist and author (Ester Blenda Nordström, 1891-1948).
She lived an adventurous life, travelled to South America, USA, Asia and the Russian Arctic. Always returning to her secret love, Carin, in Stockholm.
Although intrepid and fearless, Ester was tormented by demons that ultimately overwhelmed her. This is the story of a trailblazing, adventurous, restless soul and the times and social conventions that tried and failed to contain her.
If you wish to screen the film, or book Anna Hylander for a seminar. Send us an email at
Ester Blenda is produced in two versions, for cinema (89 min) and a shortened TV-version (58 min).
DN - Lotta Olsson: Ester Blenda Nordström var journalisten som nådde längre än de flesta
SVT Kulturnyheterna - 15/4 2016
Medievärlden - Wallraffande före Wallraff
Sydsvenskan - Intervju med Anna Hylander 10/4 2016
Sveriges Radio intervju med Anna Hylander 9/3 2016
Skånska Dagbladet reportage med Anna Hylander 8/3 2016
Stockholms Fria Tidning 4/3 2016
Sveriges Radio programmet Stil intervju med Anna Hylander 4/12 2015